Two Eggs and Toast With a Side of Exercise

As I stood in the kitchen this morning making breakfast for me and the baby, my mind was nagging me to exercise today. Even though it’s technically a rest day, I missed yesterday so I’ve got to catch up. Also, I was only half-dressed and thought for probably a good two minutes that either I get my exercise clothes on and get to it or take a shower and get back in my pajamas (it’s raining out, anyways).

I have been doing 30-day challenges with some of my friends since last October. The group started off with only two of us, then three, then five and currently up to twelve. We’ve squatted, pressed abdominals, planked, done various jump rope moves and squeezed our biceps into shape. We’ve groaned and fretted and complained. We’ve moaned and we’ve laughed at each other.

Here are some testimonials from our little group:

“Good morning not sure how you are doing but my butt muscles are very sore.” -Jeri

“Got my husband to join in on the workout. He’s already sore right after it and here i am running around playing laundry and chore catch up lol” -Jamie

“Got there and owned her. I kept the positions. Like in Yoga…Now for the abs as the dog is distracted! Then back to lounging with Downton Abbey.” -Melanie C.

“Forgive me what are bicycle crunches?” -Melanie P.

“Woohoo! Finally caught up and done!! Have been using 2 lb weights the past few days to do the punches…I don’t feel like such a goof punching the air. Off for the day…I think I deserve a chicken Caesar salad from Panariello’s today!” -Liane

“I had a massage yesterday. OMG, my thighs were killing so I asked that he spend time there. It was the most painful thing ever. Made me realize I’m hurting deep and don’t know it. Lol” -Melanie C.

“My chiropractor told me not to do planks cause my back isn’t strong enough…I was doing planks till I found out I’m not supposed to. whoops.” -Lori K.

“Phew done! Had to take my rest day yesterday. Was sooo hungover lmao” -Jamie

“Still need to do 20 more dips (dog kept trying to sniff my crotch *rolling eyes*) but otherwise done!!!” -Melanie C.

“This is going to take some work in coordination on my part. Definitely a month challenge!” -Brandy

“Done 65 min elliptical. Took a little 3 day break. Oopsie!” -Lori K.

“I had a give up on myself week, but seeing all you ladies at it helps get my butt back in gear!” -Melanie P.

“I did the parallel squat today n my arms hurt.” -Liane

“I absolutely hate push ups!” -Ashley

“Working on catching up: I’m on day 4 a needed rest. Felt every muscle in my stomach and upper legs when getting out of bed this morning. Nice to know they are working!” -Brandy

“I hate the jumps. I saw a piece on Olympic athletes last night and the fuckers made skipping look so easy!” -Melanie C.

“I was able to hold my elbow plank for 45 seconds today!! What an improvement from the first day you got us to try them. Deffo See a difference there!” -Melanie P.

“I’m thinking I may jump at work without a rope to spread the torture out.” -Melanie C.

Now that we’ve been at it for almost four months, it’s definitely gotten easier to make exercising a part of my daily routine. And I’m actually shocked that we’ve done so much together considering we live in different parts of the world, our most common communication via Facebook. I originally created the group to keep track of my progress and get others motivated. We get our workouts done whenever we can fit them in…at work, during TV shows, after dinner or in the morning. When we’re achy, when we’re mad or sad or tired or have a baby hanging from a boob or toddler stepping on our toes or dog sniffing at our crotch.

So far, I’ve lost eight pounds, three inches around my thighs, two inches around my waist and hips each. I do it to feel healthy, to not feel lethargic, to lower my anxiety and, of course, to look good for my husband but also for myself (I’d be lying to you if I didn’t put that one in).

After reading the girls’ comments while taking my last bite of toast, I realize again that I’m not alone in my quest for getting fit. They have motivated me (albeit through sarcasm and jokes). They’ve not given up, even though it’s so easy to, and so I will oblige them by sticking to this, too. I shall strap my shoelaces and ponytail my hair and get to sweating. Another day down. Another day to mark DONE!


5 thoughts on “Two Eggs and Toast With a Side of Exercise”

  1. HAHAH is it that bad lol. I’ve always hated exercising I have know idea how I’m gonna get back into shape after George comes well done to you for sticking with it. I think the baby books even say its good to exercise a little when pregnant or maybe they are pelvic exercises, its meant to make the labor a little easier if that’s possible ha 🙂


    1. Yes! If u feel like it definitely walking would do your body well, aid during labor. I have never been an exerciser, just lucky I am small until my 30’s, now I have to work at it to maintain it. It is good, tho. Feel better, healthy. Not sooooo old. Lol


      1. Yeah your right I took a walk to the shops today, nearly killed me I must be really unfit haha. Neither have I, I know I’ll have to work hard when George comes to tighten tummy muscles up I just don’t want to think about it right now so lazy well done you though.HAHAH don’t be silly your no where near old ❤ lol.


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